Why did I miss NAHBS?

Yeah…I know the answer. I had a scheduling conflict this year, but I still kept asking myself that question as pictures from the show started popping up on Twitter and Instagram over the weekend.

Rasmus Gjesing with his Cykelmageren show bike (Photo: Ben Coxworth, Gizmag.com)
Rasmus Gjesing with his Cykelmageren show bike (Photo: Ben Coxworth, Gizmag.com)

I am really just starting to look at the coverage from NAHBS 2015 online, but I want to take a few minutes to share just a few of the images and links that immediately stood out to me. First, is the bike (shown above) by Rasmus Gjesing of Cykelmageren. His bikes (complete with handmade wooden accent hubs) were among my favorites at the show last year…and it looks like Gjesing outdid himself this time with a curvy stainless steel show bike that earned him the show award for “Best Artisan”.  See more of the bike, as well as another set of custom hubs from Cykelmageren, at Gizmag.

RetroTec Napa Valley fatbike. (Photo: Tom Moran for VeloNews.com)
RetroTec Napa Valley fatbike. (Photo: Tom Moran for VeloNews.com)

Another of the “Best in Show” bikes that caught my attention was the Napa Valley fatbike, complete with porteur rack, by Curt Inglis of RetroTec. You can find a beautiful photo set of the show’s “best mountain bike” featured on The Radivist.

Oddity 29+ MTB (photo: Jon Watson, TheRadavist.com)

Also at the Radivist, be sure to see the photos of another beautiful rigid mountain (that could have been a contender for best). This 29er by architect, artist, and furniture designer Sean Burns of Oddity Cycles, features a Black Sheep fork, and definitely appears to be somewhat inspired by the work of James Bleakley. Most interesting to me are the seatstays, which bend near the hub (presumably as a flex point) and extend from there to join the middle of the top tube.

To see all of the “Best in Show” winners from NAHBS 2015, check out this VeloNews gallery. Also, as I have already mentioned twice, The Radivist is the place to visit for the best photography I have seen from the show. As I stated before though, I really have only scratched the surface of online NAHBS coverage. I encourage all of you to share links to your favorite bikes from the show, and the best online sources for photos and coverage, in the comments section.



5 responses to “Why did I miss NAHBS?”

  1. Shawn Raymond Avatar

    My UnaTandem braved the Kentucky snow! The UnaTandem I brought was no bike jewelry, it is a battle scared demo bike of 500 first time riders. It was a function oriented bike designed for people who wanted to ride together in a city environment. It was the result of a personal study, ‘why don’t more people ride tandems’. I observed that tandems are long and handle poorly around town. Second, tandems require the strong tall rider to sit up front, blocking the view for the short rider. It seems like a minor detail, but how can two ride a bike and talk about the ‘beautiful view’ if they are looking at different scenery? The answer to me would be, ‘don’t do long wheelbase, and don’t do short rider in the back’. I had many failed attempts of building short tandems with 26 inch wheels. But success finally came by trying 16 inch wheels, which allowed a short front frame section and headtube angle enabling the handlebars to rotate around the a big or small front rider or load. The videos of Youtube show the UnaTandem is easy and fun to ride for both two adult or kids, and that can’t be said for the 130 year old traditional tandem. Currently, I am seeking the like minded with UnaTandem production, and am available as ‘ask me a general question’ for autos, as I did for JWT partners in 1986.

  2. Vincent Avatar

    The Silent raw cyclocross bike.
    Because of the finish and the thru axle design: nice and different industrial design.


  3. Ryan Avatar

    The Oddity 29+ is nice, but it’s basically what Jeff Jones has been making for over a decade.

    LINK: http://www.jonesbikes.com/design/

  4. CAMS Avatar

    Bikerumor did some nice writeups on some builders, but yeah, in general, I’d say there was a lot less coverage (that I’ve seen, anyway) than previous years. Not sure why.

    Alfie Roberts

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