Tag: Africa

  • A monster bike and much more

    A monster bike and much more

    So…what do you do when those 4” tires on your Surly Pugsley just don’t seem wide enough anymore? You have no choice but to built your own monster bike like the one show here (found via Marcus Santiago on Google +). If those tires don’t seem wide enough, you can always use a dragster tire…

  • African Bicycle Design Contest Winner- TU Delft

    African Bicycle Design Contest Winner- TU Delft

    The team from the Delft University of Technology won the African Bicycle Design Contest last Friday with a simple trailer design which features a modular box system to keep the cargo secure and separated. The idea for the modular containers was based on the team’s research into the transportation needs of local farmers and fishermen…

  • Final awards ceremony for the African Bicycle Design Contest

    Final awards ceremony for the African Bicycle Design Contest

    I mentioned last year that I am serving as one of the judges in the African Bicycle Design Contest, the aim of which is to create “affordable quality bicycles tuned to the needs of (potential) cyclists in Africa.” In the first ‘open wiki-bike’ phase of the contest, which took place in 2010, we ranked the…

  • Beixo Share

    Beixo Share

    I mentioned the African Bicycle Design Competition a couple of months ago. I am honored to be one of the jury members for the competition, and I am happy to be able to say that we have completed voting to choose the five winners of Phase 1 (Open Wiki-Bike). The winners of this first phase…

  • Enter the African Bicycle Design Contest

    Enter the African Bicycle Design Contest

    I mentioned the African Bicycle Design Contest in a previous post, but I want to remind you that the deadline for submitting an entry is just over one week away (September 30th). If you have any ideas about how a bicycle can be designed or modified to make a difference in Africa, I encourage you…

  • African Bicycle Design Contest

    African Bicycle Design Contest

    Cycling out of Poverty is a non-profit foundation that raises money for projects that allow Africans to improve their daily lives through the use of bicycles. Currently, they are running an African Bicycle Design Contest at Wiki-Bike.com. On the website, you can read about the competition and you can upload your own ideas for durable…

  • A naked bike and lots of links

    I hope that you have been enjoying the holidays. I have been taking time off work to spend with my family, so the blog hasn’t been getting much attention in the last week or so. That doesn’t mean that the links haven’t been coming in though, so today I want to quickly pass along several…

  • A Cargo Bike for Uganda

    Some of you may have noticed that posting has been light here at Bicycle Design lately. One reader recently emailed me to ask if I have “lost interest in the blog”. No, not at all. The truth is that have just been very busy with work, outside projects, and personal responsibilities lately. Based on a…

  • Design For Development

    Design For Development is a Canadian nonprofit group that develops design concepts that aim to improve the living situation of those residing in developing companies. Currently, the group is working on bicycle ambulances for use in sub-Saharan Africa. Patty sent me the information about this group, so I’ll let her tell you a bit about…