• Now that’s what I call a bike light

    Okay, I am warning you. This is going to be another one of those posts where I quickly pass along a bunch of random links. Some are bike related, some are design related and hopefully one or two will fit both categories. Just don’t try very hard to look for a unifying theme. Earlier today,…

  • Back again

    I am back home from another week of traveling. I didn’t have enough free time to post last week, but I did see a few things on the web that are worth passing along. Also last week, I uploaded a few more pictures of the Strida to Flickr. I have already shipped the bike back…

  • Strida update and more

    I haven’t mentioned it since I first received the bike last week, but I have been riding the Strida quite a bit. My time playing around with that bike is coming to an end though. I’ll be traveling all next week and I plan to ship the bike back before I leave. If I don’t…

  • Do bikes (old or new) have soul?

    I had an idea for a post earlier today, but I ended up working through lunch and didn’t have a chance to get my thoughts together. Lately, I have been way too consumed with work to think about much else. Since I am too busy/stressed/mentally drained to post any topics of my own today, I’ll…

  • BikeFast tray

    Thanks to Nadia of the excellent design blog Pan-Dan for pointing this out to me. I especially like the rider’s view photo that shows a partially eaten slice of bread sitting on the tray. I am not sure how long that would last on my ride to work. Perhaps the tray needs a shield in…

  • My first impressions of the Strida

    I briefly mentioned the Strida bike, designed by Mark Sanders, several months ago. The current version of the Strida, which was originally designed nearly twenty years ago and has only recently become available in the United States, was picked as one of the top 3 bikes at the Taipei Cycle show earlier this year (incidentally,…

  • I’m back

    Well, I am back home and still getting adjusted to the 13-hour time difference. Even though I checked my work email frequently on the trip, small daily tasks seem to have really piled up while I was away. I will be in catch up mode during this short Thanksgiving workweek, so it may be a…

  • Just checking in

    As expected, it has been a busy trip so far. I have been working long hours without any free time to get out and look around, so the only pictures that I have taken are from a moving van. Both of these shots were taken yesterday in a rural area just north of Dongguan. Cargo…

  • More bikes in design magazines

    Bikes in design mags; that seems to be a reoccurring theme here on Bicycle Design. This week I received my copies of ID Magazine, Innovation, and the DWR Holiday 2007 booklet. Not surprisingly, all of them had bike content. In ID’s “New and Notable ’07″ issue, they featured the Trek Lime and the Jorg &…

  • A Halloween bike (or three)

    Usually, bicycle companies try to keep their new designs a secret until it is time to officially unveil them to the public. Every once and a while though, spy photos of an early prototype are leaked on the internet. This furry single speed is one such concept and it looks like something that the ID…

  • A Trek trike?

    Yesterday, Cyclelicious mentioned a bike related article in the November issue of Fast Company magazine. The article covers the development of the Trek Lime bike and the Shimano Coasting system. The full article does not appear to be available online, but you can see a few development renderings of the Lime at the online “Trek…

  • More Scandinavian bikes

    I took a few days off this week to extend the weekend and go camping, hiking, and mountain biking with my family in western North Carolina. It was a great time but now I am super busy playing catch up at work. I received quite a few messages pertaining to the blog while I was…

  • A few good links

    I am pressed for time today, but I do want to quickly pass along a few links that some of you readers have recently sent my way. Brian just got back from a trip to Florence Italy. He took a ton of great shots of city bikes on the street (like the Atala pictured here).…

  • The Dentistcruiser

    In response to my recent post about Scandinavian bikes, Erik Nohlin, an industrial designer in Sweden, sent me this design. This is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Scandinavian design, but it is interesting. The “Dentistcruiser” isn’t exactly the kind of bike that I would want to take on…

  • Urban bikes in Dwell

    As I have mentioned in a few previous posts, articles about bicycles are becoming commonplace in general design and shelter magazines these days. Dwell magazine has a report on urban bikes in their November issue, which should be hitting newsstands about now. The guys at Bike Hugger provided the commentary for the report so you…

  • Scandinavian commuter bikes

    A reader, Paul, sent me an email pointing out three interesting Scandinavian bikes. The first two were new to me, so I want to pass them along. First is the Tunturi Chat (pictured here). The text on the website is in Swedish, so most of you will probably not be able to read it, but…

  • Post Interbike links (from racing bikes to world changing bikes)

    This week, I have been traveling a bit and otherwise extremely busy, so I have not yet been able to look through as many pictures from Interbike as I would have liked. Still, I want to quickly point out a few of the products that caught my attention. I wouldn’t consider this a comprehensive list…

  • A few more Interbike links

    Man, there is a ton of good Interbike coverage on the web this year, almost too much to keep up with. I don’t have time for much of a post today, but I do want to quickly mention a few sites, in addition to the ones I linked to yesterday, that you should check out…