• The LightLane concept is moving forward

    You may remember about 6 months ago when I posted the LightLane concept, which was designed by two Altitude employees, Evan Gant and Alex Tee. Their concept, which involved simulating a bike lane with lasers mounted near the seat, was originally conceived as an entry for the Bicycle Design “commuter bike for the masses” design…

  • Future City Mobility: London 2030

    Marten Wallgren is a vehicle design student at the Royal College of Art in London. He was part of a group, along with Il Choi, David Seesing, and Miika Hekkinen, who recently won a Seymour Powell award for best concept in the “Future City Mobility” design competition. The group’s concept consists of multiple vehicles, including…

  • Mike Burrows’ latest bike and other links

    Mike Burrows’ latest bike and other links

    I posted about Mike Burrows’ Ratracer VLR recumbent early last year. I’ve mentioned him on the blog a few times and have great respect for his work, so I was glad to see an article in the current issue of Velovision magazine that points to Mike’s member page on the British Human Power Club’s website.…

  • A student design for a bent-ply bike

    John Hobson submitted an entry to the commuter bike competition late last year. Since that time, he has completed a prototype of his laminated wood bike design a part of one of his design courses. Attached are a couple of pictures of his prototype…his description of the design follows: “The frame is designed for a…

  • Smart Move: Bicycles from the Embacher Collection

    It probably won’t surprise many of you to hear that I have a pretty extensive collection of bicycle books at home. Some of you may even remember when I mentioned a few of my favorites some time ago in a post about old bikes. Well, now I have a new book to add to that…

  • Globe Brand Bikes

    The Bike Hugger crew is in Minneapolis right now for the launch of the Globe Brand Bikes from Specialized. The new bikes look pretty cool from what I have seen so far…love the bent ply rear rack that is shown here. Read more about the launch at Bike Hugger and check out their Globe Flickr…

  • Bicycle Film Festival

    The 2009 Bicycle Film Festival is taking place in quite a few different cities, but the New York festival is still the original and the one I would most like to attend. I happened to be in New York while the 2005 festival was taking place, but unfortunately, I didn’t have time to hang out…

  • Friday links

    French designer Jérôme Blanchard has an interesting concept bike posted on Coroflot. He has several other bike designs in his Coroflot portfolio, so take a look. Via Core 77. Speaking of Core 77, they have posted a few bike related entries lately. This one about the “Super Contemporary” show in London features a bike with…

  • Prelude: a bicycle for the non-enthusiast

    Jason Bushby, a transportation design student at Northumbria University in the UK, recently designed “a bicycle for the non-enthusiast” as his final project. As you can see from the image shown here, he built a working model/ prototype of his design, which he calls the Prelude. Jason had contacted me some time ago to tell…

  • BTWD, Di2, and more

    Whew… it has been a very long day! I left my house at 5:00 AM to ride downtown and help set up for Greenville’s Bike to Work Day breakfast/ festivities. I was concerned about attendance due to overnight storms, but I think our BTWD event went pretty well. We had a nice ride led by…

  • Le Batard bikes

    A few months ago, Pierre sent me a message about Paris Bike Days, a small bike show that was held for the first time in April. I flagged Pierre’s message and meant to post about it at the time, but it was sort of lost in my inbox for a few months. Though the show…

  • Bamboo Bike studio and assorted links

    I have definitely been a bit behind in keeping up with the blog lately. In the last couple weeks, I have bookmarked quite a few links, and received several good tips from readers, but I just haven’t had the time to pass along. Tonight, I want to quickly a share a few of those links…

  • 2010 Fisher Road bike

    I mentioned a little earlier that I am fairly new to Twitter. I am not sure why I waited so long to start though because Twitter is the place to be if you want to see and hear things first. This sneak peak of a 2010 Gary Fisher road bike in the photo studio was…

  • Bikes of the Giro

    If you have been following the Giro d’Italia this week, you have seen at least one of Lance Armstrong’s art bikes, which will be auctioned after the race to raise money for LIVESTRONG. Shepard Fairey, who is best known for his design of the Obama “Hope” poster, created the graphic scheme for the yellow and…

  • Ecogo

    It has been a while since I have passed along any of the entries from last year’s “commuter bike for the masses” design competition. I have been busy with other things, but I do still have quite a few of the entries to share. As a follow up to my last post, I will show…

  • Velomobiles and ‘bents

    Brecht Vandeputte sent me this photo of a WAW 045 velomobile racing a Dodge Viper. OK, it probably wasn’t a real race, but it is still a pretty cool image of a slick looking velomobile. For those of you not familiar with the WAW, it is a Belgian 3-wheeled velomobile with a Kevlar body. It…

  • Back to reality?

    Have I mentioned before that I am not a big fan of the UCI’s draconian restrictions on the design of racing bicycles? Yeah, I know I have mentioned it at least once, but it has been a while so allow me to rant again. According to a New York Times article published yesterday, the UCI…

  • Time for new wheels

    I have wanted a new set of road wheels for a while, but I have been putting it off. The Shimano wheelset (I am not even sure which model) that is currently on my road bike is about 3 1/2 years old and has definitely seen better days. After a few mishaps, the rear wheel…