Category: Electric bike
Motorized long bikes
There was a bit of long bike discussion on the blog recently in response to a couple of posts about the Fisher El Ranchero concept. Frequent commenter bikesgonewild was the first to mention that the El Ranchero would be “the perfect vehicle for Trek’s electric project.” After seeing those posts, a reader named Bob sent…
Gary Fisher on the El Ranchero
I was in a rush last week when I posted those photos from Trek World. I didn’t have time to elaborate on any of the bikes, but I was glad to see some good discussion about them in the comments. For those of you who don’t read the comments section (you should), I want to…
The Electrobike Cometh
Note from James: This is Michael Downes’ second submission to Bicycle Design (wow, he is on a roll). If you are new to the blog and don’t know who Michael is, read the profile about him that I wrote last February. Since that time, Michael has left his position at Giant Bicycles to work as…