Author: James

  • MiniMum by Omer Sagiv

    MiniMum by Omer Sagiv

    MiniMum is the latest bike idea from designer Omer Sagiv, whose previous concept bikes I featured in a 2010 post. The MiniMum was designed as a simplified city bike; as Omer says, “using the minimum production effort, and on the other hand getting maximum user experience.” The frame is made from aluminum tubes and a…

  • Eric Birkhauser’s ZIPcycle share concept

    Eric Birkhauser’s ZIPcycle share concept

    My post about Eric Birkhauser’s Petal Velomobile concept generated some good discussion earlier this year. The architect’s latest project, ZIPcycle, is a work in progress that will be part of a larger project that he is working on… a book on active transit systems.  This time around, in addition to a sleek recumbent HPV, he…

  • Development of the new Orbea Ordu time trial bike

    Development of the new Orbea Ordu time trial bike

    Ronan Bariou is a product designer for Orbea, and his Behance portfolio page provides a glimpse into the design work that goes into bikes from the company.  The latest project that he has uploaded is the new 2013 Orbea Ordu time trial bike, and he shares some of the sketches and CAD models from the…

  • Catching up again

    Catching up again

    Yeah…I know that I sound like a broken record by prefacing most every post lately with a mention of how busy I am with work and other projects. I really haven’t been able to spend much time thinking about this blog lately though, so please bear with me while posts are infrequent, and my responses…

  • Concept bikes from the Peugeot Design Lab

    Concept bikes from the Peugeot Design Lab

    Earlier this year, I posted about the Peugeot DL122 concept bike, designed by Neil Simpson. There was quite a bit of interest in that original bike, so Neil decided to add a battery and motor to make an e-bike version that they could show at Eurobike. He redesigned the handlebars to hide the cables and…

  • Toka bike by Tobias Bernstein

    Toka bike by Tobias Bernstein

    I am slammed with work this week, so I am a bit behind on posts. I do want to quickly pass along a few renderings that a reader recently shared with me though. Tobias Bernstein, an Industrial Designer working in Austria, shared his design concept for a belt drive foldable city bike. As an occasional…

  • Mando Footloose: a chainless hybrid e-bike

    Mando Footloose: a chainless hybrid e-bike

    I briefly mentioned the Mando Footloose chainless e-bike recently, but it is an interesting design that is overdue for a post of its own.  Mando Footloose is a partnership project of Mando Corp. and Meister Inc., both of which are automotive suppliers in South Korea. To design and develop a chainless hybrid electric bike “featuring…

  • Cannondale CERV concept bike

    Cannondale CERV concept bike

    I have been a fan of Cannondale concept bikes for a long time. Some of them I loved, like Alex Pong’s CNC machined Magic Motorcycle full suspension bike from the early 90s (one of which is apparently still around at the Cycling Sports Group office in Connecticut). Others I thought were a bit strange, like…

  • A bit more from Eurobike 2012

    A bit more from Eurobike 2012

    It has been over a week since the Eurobike Award 2012 winners were announced. If you missed them, see the 8 Gold award winning products here. All are nice products, but so are many of the other entries that didn’t receive Gold awards. I’ll quickly point out a few of those today.  This is not…

  • Kickstarting a trailer for the minivan lifestyle and a new gravel road bike

    Kickstarting a trailer for the minivan lifestyle and a new gravel road bike

    At any given time on Kickstarter , there are quite a few bike related projects seeking funding. Some of them, like Revlights most recently, do meet their funding goals and move forward into production. Most seem to struggle to get the funding that they seek though, and never see the light of day. Last week,…

  • ISUDA Bike Share Design Competition

    ISUDA Bike Share Design Competition

    It has been quite a while since I brought up the idea of staging another design competition here at Bicycle Design. That post late last year generated many great comments, and I hope to be able to use a few of your competition ideas in the future. One common thread in many of the comments…

  • A few interesting designs from Eurobike 2012

    A few interesting designs from Eurobike 2012

    Today marks the last day of Eurobike 2012, and I haven’t been following the show as much as I would have liked. For more in-depth coverage check out Bike Biz, Bike Rumor, VeloNews, Road Bike Action, and Bike Radar (just to name a few).  What I would like to share today are a few products…

  • A practical velomobile…and really fast ones too

    A practical velomobile…and really fast ones too

    It seems like I have been hearing more and more from companies making velomobiles lately, and that is a trend that I hope to see continue. I am definitely not an expert on the subject of HPVs or velomobiles, but the Challenger from UK based Ocean Cycles is a pedal powered machine that immediately caught…

  • Printed titanium, invisible helmets, glowing bikes, and more

    Printed titanium, invisible helmets, glowing bikes, and more

    I have noticed quite a few bike related posts on design blogs lately. A recent Core 77 post featured a couple of track bike sketches by Andrew McMillan, which they mentioned would be perfect for the CGI animated “future velodrome” from the London Olympic Games. Also at Core, check out the recent post about digitally…

  • Step through folding bikes and an improved seatpost/floor pump

    Step through folding bikes and an improved seatpost/floor pump

    Show season for the bike industry is right around the corner, with Eurobike 2012 kicking off at the end of this month.  One new design that will debut at the show is the ultra low-step frame “Swoop” from Tern. According to the company, “The Swoop top tube is only 28 cm (11″) off the ground,…

  • Freewheelin 2012: pedal powered buses from Humana

    Freewheelin 2012: pedal powered buses from Humana

    Four years ago, Humana (in partnership with Bikes Belong) introduced bike sharing to the U.S. political conventions with their Freewheelin 2008 program. This year, they are taking it a step further by providing 20 bike buses for both the Republican National Convention in Tampa (Aug. 27th– 30th) and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte (Sept.…