Author: James

  • “Designing the Ride” photos- part 1

    Not long ago, I posted about the Trek “Designing the Ride” exhibit at the Eisner Museum. Chad Lockart, a Senior Designer at Trek, was nice enough to send me some of his pictures from the event’s opening night. After getting a sneak peek of the exhibit, I really want to get up to Milwaukee to…

  • A Grant Petersen Interview

    Yep, Fritz scooped me on this one, but I still think it is worth passing along. I can’t say that I always agree with Grant Petersen when it comes to bikes, but I do think that he is a brilliant marketer who usually has something interesting to say. Read the interview here at Push Button…

  • A couple good links

    I just finished listening to the Spokesmen podcast #7. Recently, I recommended episode 6 and, though I don’t want to sound like a broken record, I will take this opportunity to recommend the Spokesmen once again. As always, the guys cover a wide range of topics on the roughly hour-long show. Of particular interest to…

  • Alfine Design Challenge 2nd and 3rd place entries

    Today’s post will be short, but hopefully coherent. I have been trying to ignore a cold the last couple days and it is finally starting to catch up with me. I have a deadline to meet today, so I decided to take the only cough medicine I could find in the cabinet… which brings me…

  • Trek, “Designing the Ride”

    Starting this Wednesday, November 15th and running through June 30th, 2007, The Eisner Museum will present an exhibit about design at Trek Bicycle Corporation. Visitors will be able to, according to the museum’s website, “follow the process from initial sketch to final product and see how research, imagination and technology come together to create a…

  • Furniture and bikes

    As you may have seen in a recent post, I enjoy spotting occasional bike content in the design magazines and catalogs that I regularly read. Yesterday, I was looking though the latest issue of Republic of Fritz Hansen (kind of a magalog for the company), and saw a picture and a short mention of the…

  • Captain Bike

    Since I have been writing this blog, I have linked to many sites that I consider to be great resources for anyone interested in the mechanics of the bicycle. Nowhere on the web can you find better resources than the many bike pages created by Sheldon Brown. Though I have never met Mr. Brown, I…

  • H.E.r0

    In response to my recent request for design submissions, Jerry sent me his H.E.r0 (Human-Electric, revision zero) concept. He describes it as “a human-powered robot bicycle featuring an internal hub transmission. The front and rear wheels act as gyroscopes to maintain balance when lifted off of the ground while the larger main drive wheel moves…

  • A few quick links

    I saw a few bike bike related posts on various design blogs this week. This first one I heard about on the Spokesman #6 podcast (if you don’t already subscribe to the Spokeman podcast, I suggest you go to the site and do so). Opel is offering an integrated bike rack on its European Antara…

  • Water bottles and Cyclocross bikes

    If you ride a cyclocross bike with water bottle cages, at some point someone will inevitably tell you that you are doing something wrong. It is as if the very act of installing cages on the bike is breaking some kind of sacred Belgian cyclocross rule. Yeah, I know that bottle cages get in the…

  • Who had the best exhibit at Interbike?

    Yeah, I know that Interbike ended a month ago, but the show is back in the news this week. Interesting, but that is not really the reason for this post. Yesterday, while reading The Biking Hub, I came across this photo of a small part of the Cervelo booth. I have done some exhibit design…

  • Mojo colors

    I know that I said I would not post anymore this week, but I just saw these new Ibis Mojo colors and I felt compelled to quickly pass them along. The green and the orange finishes look great on this frame. Check out more pictures here.

  • A Cannondale Rush beach cruiser?

    A couple days out of the office and work sure does pile up. I am in catch up mode right now; so normal posting will resume next week. If you sent me an email in the past week or so, I’ll get back to you eventually. Anyway, the beach was great and crowds were nonexistent.…

  • Summer pedals

    Yeah, I know it is not summer anymore, but I am heading down to the beach for a few days and it is still nice and warm on the gulf coast. While I am down there, I might have to try out this trick that I spotted on Pan-Dan. All I have to do is…

  • Submit your best bike concepts

    I was checking out portfolios on Coroflot earlier today and ran across a few interesting bicycle concepts. Pictured here is a rendering of a city bike from Navin, an industrial designer in Bangalore, India. You can check out more of his bike renderings here. Browsing through a few portfolios reminded me how much I love…

  • A sub 7 pound Crumpton from Groupe De Tete

    I have been meaning to post about Groupe De Tete since Interbike, but I seem to be on a 3-week delay lately. A post on Bicycling magazine’s “This Just In” blog about the company got my attention because this boutique bike builder is located about an hour north of here in Asheville, NC. They are…

  • Put the Brakes on Fatalities day

    That’s right, I just heard on the radio that today is officially designated as national “Put the Brakes on Fatalities” day. The program is an effort to raise consciousness about the incredibly high rate of transportation fatalities that we have here in the US. Hearing those awful statistics again (42,000 deaths a year or 1…

  • Cannondale’s new design director

    I don’t know this guy, but I was very interested to read this bit of news on BRAIN today. Torgny Fjeldskaar has been promoted to global director of industrial design at Cannondale after about 3 years with the company. The Synapse, SystemSix, and various European urban bikes are listed as some of his contributions so…