Author: James

  • Bent Ply bike sketches

    Bent Ply bike sketches

    A few weeks ago I posted a bike, sent to me by a reader, which featured a frame partially constructed from laminated wood. Peter from Velo Vision recently sent me an email and identified the mystery bike as the work of James Coleman, a design student at Loughborough University in the UK. When I first…

  • Rest in peace Sheldon

    Just over a year ago, I heard that Sheldon Brown had primary-progressive MS and could no longer ride a bike. I was saddened to just learn from Fritz at Cyclelicious that Sheldon passed away last night. I never actually met Sheldon Brown, but I have known of him though his webpages since the mid nineties.…

  • Compressor pneumatic bike

    I always like it when industrial design students and recent grads send me renderings and descriptions of their bicycle related school projects. Not only is it interesting to see their concepts, but also those submissions make for pretty easy posts on my part (a good thing for busy Fridays like today). A couple weeks ago,…

  • Glow in the dark Puma

    By now, you have probably already seen the glow in the dark Puma Urban Mobility bike made by Biomega. Ron sent me a link to this slamxhype post a couple days ago, but I didn’t get a chance to post it. Since then, I have noticed that it is getting a lot of coverage on…

  • G-Star Raw Cannondale

    You have probably already seen pictures of this bike. I saw it first at the Tusindsmil blog a few weeks ago and I meant to post about it, but I couldn’t read any of the text. Since then, I have seen it here, here, and here to name a few places. I was curious about…

  • NAHMBS and more

    It has been a theme lately, but once again, I am too way busy to think much about bicycle design or the blog. I have been slammed at work the last few weeks and a good portion of the small amount of time I have outside of work and family responsibilities is going toward local…

  • Links to pass along

    I am still quite busy catching up from last week, so it will take me a while to get through all of the blog related messages in my Gmail account. For now though, I want to quickly pass along just a few links that were sent by readers while I was away. Jason sent me…

  • Design of the Arantix Mountain Bike

    As most regular readers know, I am an industrial designer, but I do not work in the bicycle industry. As much as I enjoy writing about bikes a couple hours a week, my real job obviously has to take precedence over the blog, and any other bike related reading, when I get really busy. For…

  • Traveling again

    I am going out of town tomorrow for a little over a week. I will post if I get a chance, but it is sometimes hard to find the time when traveling for business and working long days. The trip also means that I will be off the bike for a bit over a week.…

  • Mike Burrows video

    Mike Burrows video

    I have mentioned Mike Burrows on the blog a few times before; I even mentioned him in one of my very first posts. He has designed many great recumbent bikes and trikes throughout his career, but I most admire the work he did on uprights like the Lotus bike for Chris Boardman and the first…

  • Mystery wooden bike

    Soon after I mentioned the JANO bike in June of last year, a reader, Roberto, sent me this image of another wooden bike. The message and image kind of got lost in the shuffle until he recently sent me another email about something else. Anyway, Roberto doesn’t really remember where he found this image. He…

  • Cube urban bike concept

    I hope everyone had a great New Year. It certainly felt like January here in Greenville this morning. I guess I am a fair weather bike commuter because I usually just drive to work on cold days. This morning though, I rode despite temps in the 20s. By the time I got to work, my…

  • Trek Lime tandem

    I did not think that I would get a chance to post over the holidays, but someone from Trek just sent me this shot of a prototype Lime tandem that I couldn’t resist sharing. Trek already makes a 7spd Cruiser tandem, a 24spd “Comfort” tandem, and two high performance domestically manufactured tandems, so the person…

  • Strida 5.0 review

    Well, it has been over a week since I returned the Strida 5.0 that I was trying out. I mentioned it in a couple of posts, but I never did really write a review of my experience with the bike. This week, I have seen Strida reviews elsewhere, so I guess I had better get…

  • A bicycle-powered welder

    A few months ago, I mentioned Specialized and Google’s Innovate or Die contest, which challenged participants to create a machine that “transforms pedaling energy into a new and useful purpose”. At the end of that post, I asked any Bicycle Design readers who entered the contest to let me know about it. Well, the deadline…

  • A $20K hi-tech bike?

    In keeping with the technology theme from my last post, I will mention the Factor 001 bike that I saw today on Quickrelease.TV. The bike was designed by BERU f1 systems, a supplier of performance engineering solutions to the motorsport, automotive, and marine industries. Exactly what kind of data the bike will provide is not…

  • Cerevellum

    Cerevellum is an interesting cyclo-computer concept, but it is really much more than that. The system is expandable by way of 4 USB connections on the underside of the head unit so the user can choose the extra features that he or she wants; GPS mapping, power meter, heart rate monitor, etc. Sounds good so…

  • Team Astana Treks

    Yesterday, I briefly mentioned the old Discovery Team Treks that are currently on eBay, so today I will follow up with a mention of the latest pro team bike from Trek. Team Astana will be riding SRAM Red equipped Madones next season. You can read more about the bike sponsorship here on Trek’s website. I…