Author: James

  • Win Susan

    Do you ever have one of those weeks where it just seems like everything is happening at once? On top of my normal work schedule, Bike to Work Week is upon us and I am involved with the effort here in Greenville. Also, I have a couple of additional volunteer obligations that happened to hit…

  • Bicycle rendering in Photoshop

    I mentioned a great reference CD earlier this week, so I will keep that theme going and review a DVD today. Some of you may remember a little over a year ago when I posted about Scott Robertson’s book, Start Your Engines. In that post, I mentioned his instructional Photoshop Industrial Design rendering DVD, which…

  • Cycling Science

    Actually, a good alternate title for this post might be “confessions of a bike geek”, because when I was in college, I used to ride up to the library every so often to read the back issues of Cycling Science. Our library didn’t have the current issues, just the bound copies of back issues that…

  • A student design and a few links

    Stelian Tchapkanski is an industrial design student who is working on a concept for an electric assist bike. His goal is to change people’s perception of the bicycle and to make commuting a fashionable alternative for those who don’t currently ride. In his own words, the concepts are “not designed to replace the bike, but…

  • A chair inspired by bicycles

    Some of you might be wondering why I am posting a chair here on Bicycle Design. Well, if you have been reading the blog for a while, you have probably heard me say many times that I think variety is very important for all types of designers. If you work in the same industry on…

  • Gearing for Brasstown Bald

    It was an exciting race to the top of Brasstown Bald on Saturday and I had a really great time photographing the action. Check out my latest stage 6 photoset on Flickr if you are interested. I have probably mentioned before that I really love to see the mountain top finish on Brasstown; my kids…

  • TdG Team Time Trial pictures

    I finally uploaded some of my pictures from yesterday’s team time trail to Flickr, so check out my Tour de Georgia 08 set. I had a great time photographing the race; in fact, I think I becoming addicted to race photography. With such a short circuit lap and two teams on the course at once,…

  • Tour de Georgia- team time trial

    Slipstream-Chipolte just won the first pro team time trial in the U.S. since something like 1994. Astanta and High Road were close behind on the course here at Road Atlanta. It was a really hot day at this race course, which is usually used for automotive racing, I just heard someone say that the temp…

  • Wolfhound Singlespeed 29er

    I am busy today getting caught up at work so that I can take off for the Tour de Georgia tomorrow, but I do have time for a quick post. Robb sent me a link to a post on his blog about his experience riding a friend’s Wolfhound Cycles singlespeed 29er. The bike immediately caught…

  • Reactiv LED cycling jacket

    I am a little late in mentioning this, but for those of you who have not seen it, here is a picture of designer Michael Chen’s Reactiv cycling jacket. The jacket, which uses colored LEDs to indicate when the rider is accelerating or decelerating based on movement sensed by a built in accelerometer, recently won…

  • Why not?

    As I indicated in my last post, I have been really busy lately. I subscribe to quite a few magazines and I usually read the articles that interest me as the issues arrive. Lately though, my magazines have been just been stacking up on the corner of my desk. Well, just last weekend I finally…

  • Bike blog quiz

    I don’t have time for much of a post today. I have been really busy with work lately and had to press on through lunch. Since this blog gets a mention though, I do want to point you to QuickreleaseTV’s 400th post, which is a bike blog quiz. I scored a perfect 10 out of…

  • Bursford’s Ultimate

    Ultimate is right. I have posted old superbikes from Lotus and Hotta before, but this picture just reminds me that I need to post more of those crazy bikes from the 90s that I love so much. In the mid 90s, Bruce Bursford was passionate about speed on a bicycle and breaking records. Using technology…

  • Look 586 Mondrian Limited Edition

    I don’t have much time to post today, but I do want to quickly point you to some nice shots of the Look 586 Mondrian limited edition that were taken by Ken Conley. Only 50 of these Mondrian frames will be produced, so you had better order now if you want one. Read more about…

  • Flax frames and a few links from readers

    A reader, Pierre, sent me some interesting pictures that he took recently at the Paris composite trade fair. The 3 main tubes of the frame shown here are made from 80% flax and 20% carbon composite. If that sounds familiar, it is because former Belgian world champion Johan Museeuw has been marketing frames that use…

  • Bike design jobs

    Every so often, I get emails from industrial design students or recent graduates who want to know how they can get a job in the bike industry. I usually ask them to send me any bicycle related projects in their portfolio that I can consider for posting. Quite a few people in the industry read…

  • Theft proof bike designs and more

    Just a quick post today; I want to mention the One Hour Design Challenge winner at the Core77 blog. The Core site gave forum participants one hour to design and post a theft proof bicycle concept. The seat/lock concept shown here was chosen as the winner, but you can see all of the entries on…

  • A carbon fiber Biomega

    Over the weekend, Jens Martin Skibsted of Biomega sent me a few pictures of the company’s booth at the recent Taipei Cycle show. The most notable picture that I want to pass along is this carbon fiber version of the Mark Newson designed bike, which they just previewed at the show. I have mentioned before…