Month: October 2014

  • Douze and Kiffy- a pair of French cargo bikes

    Douze and Kiffy- a pair of French cargo bikes

    I have been traveling for work the past couple weeks, so I am a bit behind on the blog (as usual). Recently though, reader Pierre Fabre shared a couple of interesting French cargo bike designs with me, so I want to take a minute to share them with you. The 4/ A modular cargo bike…

  • Arvak, RoadRing, Stromer, Vello and a glimpse into design at BMC

    Arvak, RoadRing, Stromer, Vello and a glimpse into design at BMC

    Arvak is a minimalist wooden bike designed by Paul Guerin and Till Breitfuss of Keim. The lines of the frame certainly look nice and sleek, but if the seat height is anywhere near correct, I wonder if I could get my leg over that extremely high top tube. Aside from that though, the hollow frame…

  • The University of Iowa Hand Built Bicycle Program

    The University of Iowa Hand Built Bicycle Program

    I mentioned the University of Iowa’s Hand Built Bicycle Program earlier this year in a post about NAHBS 2014.  That was during my time away from this blog though, so it is likely that the majority of you never saw it. I noticed recently that the Iowa students are gearing up for something new at…