Month: January 2013

  • Google Currents and other ways to connect with Bicycle Design

    Google Currents and other ways to connect with Bicycle Design

    Many of you may already subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed. If you usually read Bicycle Design from a computer or large tablet, a feed reader is probably the best way to be alerted when new content is available. Increasingly though, many of you are visiting the blog from smaller mobile devices.  I don’t know…

  • Bicycle Lock Dock and other locking concepts

    Bicycle Lock Dock and other locking concepts

    According to industrial designer Douglas Schaller, “the bicycle theft industry is at least $393 million annually in the United States and the crime costs Americans between $800 and $1 billion.”  That problem was the reason for the Bicycle Lock Dock, a 2009 team student design project led by Schaller along with Cassie Tweed, Seung Kim, Mike…

  • Bike sketches- fast and slow

    Bike sketches- fast and slow

    The deadline to submit entries for the  ISUDA Bike Share Design Competition passed while I was traveling home from Asia over the weekend.  We didn’t receive as many entries as the last design competition staged here at Bicycle Design, but it is still going to take a while to discuss them with the jury and…

  • Organic Transit ELF

    Organic Transit ELF

    Not all that far from where I live, a small group of people are building innovative solar/pedal powered velomobile trikes  in a former furniture warehouse in downtown Durham, North Carolina. I have been meaning to discuss the Organic Transit ELF for a while now, but it is one of the many posts that I just…

  • 2012- The year in review at

    2012- The year in review at

    Another year has come to a close, and that means that it’s time for the annual recap post for this blog. Compared to 2011, traffic was up slightly with 1,236,847 page views in 2012.  About 30% of the visitors in the past year came from the United States (where this blog is based). The United…