All Chips On the Table: The Bicycle Art and Design of Garrett Chow is a bike art/design exhibition which is running through the end of this month at the Rapha San Francisco Cycling Club. Core77 featured an interview today with Chow, who is the Director of Graphic Design for performance road bikes, components, and wheels at Specialized, and the co-founder of MASH. It’s a good interview, so be sure to check it out. As an industrial designer, this was the statement that struck a chord with me:
“Graphic design does its job best when it does nothing. That is to say, design—and especially graphic design—should fall to the periphery of the viewer’s/audience’s consciousness when done well. That a bike’s color and graphics be in accord with the ID of the bike itself should similarly be of paramount concern.”
If you are in or near San Francisco, I definitely wouldn’t miss this exhibition. Luckily for those of us who can’t make it there in person though, there are many great pictures at Prolly is not Probably, MASH SF, and Bike Rumor (here and here).
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