I have mentioned Robert Egger, Specialized’s Creative Director, a few times in the past. He has worked at Specialized since 1987, and in that time has created some pretty interesting concept bikes (like the one at the bottom of this post from a 1992 issue of Bicycling Magazine).
In their Google + stream, Byron from Bike Hugger just posted a few pictures of Egger’s personal “lunch ride” bike, which looks a lot like a road version of the Shiv. I wonder if this is version of the Shiv road prototype that eventually became the Venge, or just a bike that Egger built to help him keep up with the young, fast guys on the famed Specialized lunch ride. Either way, it looks fast. As Byron commented though, it is not a bike you would “want to be next to in the peloton when the wind changes.” True, but with a bike like this, he should be riding off the front anyway.
Update: See more pictures on the Specialized Facebook page.
Update to the update: Neil Browne shared his thoughts about this bike in an interesting post yesterday.

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