The crew at Bike Hugger spotted an interesting concept bike that is currently on display at the Tokyo Motor show. Earlier this year, you may have read about the Yamaha PAS e-bike line, which the company developed specifically for the Japanese market. This new “PAS With” concept e-bike looks completely different from those welded aluminum frame models though, with a futuristic frame made from…carbon, plastic, sheet metal, bondo…who knows what? My assumption is that the prototype was created for the purpose of drawing attention at the show, and will not hit the market as shown… but again, who knows?
If anyone has more information about the Yamaha “PAS With”, leave a comment to fill me in. If nothing else, I am glad to see an electric bike drawing attendees’ attention from the cars at an automotive show.
Update 12/14: I’m passing along a bit of additional information about this concept bike. Thanks to Taku for this comment:

“I couldn’t find any info regarding a release date. One interesting thing is that this power-assist bike uses a motorized hub in the front. This probably explains that cable in the front.
There’s a promotional video on YouTube, but it doesn’t have any technical information on the bike. You can see the guy folding it though.
The link in the article points to Yamaha’s PAS site for currently available models and has no further information regarding this model. But their ‘special’ site developed for the Tokyo Motor Show has a small blurb, and more importantly a few more pics (The PAS With is like a 1/4 of the way down).”
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