The UCI Para-cycling Road World Championships took place in Greenville, SC over Labor Day weekend. As I have mentioned before, these athletes are incredibly inspiring …and the bikes, trikes, and handcycles that they use are quite interesting as well. I won’t go into detail about the equipment in this short post, but I encourage you to read my previous post about handcycles if you haven’t already.
I posted a few of my shots from the handcycle time trial on Saturday to the Bicycle Design Facebook page, and you can see a few more of my photos from other races on Flickr. For many more photos of all of the different events though, I encourage you to browse through the 443 photos on the City of Greenville Flickr page.
It’s unrelated to the post, but since I mentioned the Bicycle Design Facebook page, I encourage you like it if you don’t already. Also follow Bicycle Design on Twitter, and add to your circles on Google +. In some ways, the rebirth of the blog means that I am starting over with the social media channels (especially Twitter), so please share those links and help build traffic back to its previous levels. I also want to say thanks again to all of you who stayed subscribed during the 6 month hiatus. I have heard from many of you who were happy to see a new post pop up in your RSS readers, and I greatly appreciate the messages and continued support.
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