The Shanghai Bike Convention wrapped up last week, and People’s Bike has some great photo galleries of bikes from the show. Check out all of their posts with the tag Shanghai to get an overall feel. Of particular note are some of the new bikes from traditional Chinese brands like Phoenix, Forever, and Flying Pigeon. Bikes like this one, with its florescent V profile rims are not like any I have seen on the streets in China. It definitely looks like the urban “fixie style” is influencing some of the designs for the domestic Chinese market. Speaking of fixies, People’s Bike has a post dedicated to fixed gear and single speed bikes at the show. I have seen quite a few track bike and road fixie riders in Hong Kong, but I don’t think I have seen more than three in mainland China (all in Shanghai). If this show is an indication, maybe that will change. I will be on the lookout for bikes like some of these on my next trip. Finally, don’t miss People’s Bike’s “Fun Stuff” post, which features bikes like this one that you are likely to only see at a Chinese show (even though the bike I just referenced is Spanish).
Thanks to Richard at Cyclelicious for pointing the People’s Bike coverage out to me. I noticed this morning that UrbanVelo mentioned the show as well.
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