I wanted to post some observations about bikes in China from my recent trip, but that post will have to wait until I am able to collect my thoughts a little better. I was wide awake most of the night, and now I can barely keep my eyes open as I am catching up on a seemingly endless stream of email. I am feeling way more jetlagged today than I did a couple days ago when I first returned, but I should be back to normal soon. I will spare you all today though, since I don’t have the focus to write even a semi-coherent post at the moment.
I do, however, want to throw out a quick question. I’m curious how many of you are reading this blog from somewhere in mainland China. I was able to access Blogger from one hotel while I was over there, but from every other location I tried, anything on the .blogspot subdomain was blocked. I suppose that some of you read this, and other Blogger blogs, from a feed reader (in which case you won’t be able to comment here), but I know from the stats that a few people each month visit directly from China. So I guess I am just curious… is Blogger blocked in certain regions of China and not others? Maybe it was just the Internet access at that one particular hotel, but I am curious why I was able to get through in one location and not in others. Oh well, once I make the switch from Blogger to WordPress on a dedicated URL, blockage in China will no longer be an issue. Now, if only I could find the time to make that big move.
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