Month: October 2008
Trick or treat
Some of you may remember last year at this time when I posted a furry bike from the Trek Halloween ride. This Halloween, I will keep the theme going and post another reader submitted bike. This one comes from Andrew, an industrial designer who made this pole dance bike for the NYC Halloween Parade. Though…
“Commuter bike for the masses” design competition
–enter for a chance to win a Cannondale Bad Boy bicycle- Those of us who are already cyclists know that riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to get around town. Infrastructure, enforcement, and general traffic safety issues may be the biggest obstacles to convincing people with no real interest in cycling to…
Riding with kids
OK, this is another picture of one of my kids on a bike (or half a bike in this case), but don’t worry… I am not turning the blog into a family photo album. With this post I want to address the “most useful means to chauffeur a little kid around” in response to an…
Enjoying the ride
I have been really busy this week and haven’t been able to pass along any design content. I will catch up soon and when I do I will announce the first ever design competition on this blog. In the mean time though, here is a picture that is a bit off topic, but I want…
Chinese folding bikes
My last post about commuter bikes for the masses generated some really good discussion from all of you. The discussion got me thinking- the “commuter bikes for the masses” concept would make a great design contest for the blog. I’ll let you know a little more about that soon, but start thinking about it now…
Commuter bikes for the masses- any ideas?
It has been seven years in the making, but the bicycle commuter tax provision has finally passed both the House and Senate. President Bush signed it into law last Friday as part of the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” (read more about the Bicycle Commuter Benefits Act here, here, and here if you are…
Xtracycle LongTail Standard
“The bicycle industry is entering a new age of bike design.” So begins the new Wiki page for the Open Source Xtracycle LongTail Standard. Xtracycle realizes that the demand for an open-source standard is increasing, so they put the basics of their longtail design online for anyopne to use free of charge. PDF downloads with…