My helmets are all getting pretty old, so I have been shopping around for a new one lately. I generally like the design of Specialized helmets and I have been happy with the ones that I have owned in the past, so I was considering buying a new Decibel. Of course, high-end helmets are pretty expensive these days, and I have seen a few good deals on the 06 model Giro Atmos, so I wasn’t ruling that one out either. Well, I checked the Cyclingnews tech section yesterday, and now I have found a new helmet that I really want (it happens to be another one from Specialized). The new 2D, which is 30% lighter than the current Decibels, features a Kevlar inner reinforcement cage. It also happens to be the first Specialized helmet to carry the S-Works name.
The headline on Cyclingnews pointed out that the 2D “breaks the 200g helmet barrier” with a weight of just 184 grams. Great! A sub 200-gram helmet is light, but I just want to point out that I already have a Specialized helmet that is lighter than that. The Sub 6, which I bought in the mid nineties, was so named because it weighed less that 6 ounces or 170 grams. My old Sub 6 probably weighs even less now thanks to the small chunks of foam that are missing. Before any one points it out to me, I do realize that weight isn’t everything. An old Cinelli hair net doesn’t weigh much; neither does a cloth cycling cap for that matter. But hey, the old Sub 6 really was a good helmet in its day. Mine has done its job and it is about time to retire it completely. Actually, I don’t wear it much anymore because I have newer helmets, but it is still my favorite one because it is light, comfortable, and I think a nice classic design.
So now I just need to find out what these new 2Ds are going to cost. My guess is that it will be a lot. If anyone is willing to take a trade in on some old, um, I mean vintage Specialized helmets, let me know. I am finally willing to part with my old Sub 6 and the slightly newer Air Piranha, which features little teeth in the front opening and a little fin in the rear. OK, I probably won’t get any takers on the swap idea, but it is worth a try.
While I am posting, I want to point you to the latest issue of Bike Biz magazine. I have mentioned Bike Biz before, and I read each issue. I enjoyed issue 18 in particular because I am quoted and this blog is mentioned in the “Wood is Good” article on pages 13 and 14. In the article, Carlton also talks about the Jano bike, which was the object of a popular recent post on Bicycle Design. If you haven’t already, download a pdf of the magazine right here and check it out.
Photo from Cyclingnews
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