Today’s post will be short, but hopefully coherent. I have been trying to ignore a cold the last couple days and it is finally starting to catch up with me. I have a deadline to meet today, so I decided to take the only cough medicine I could find in the cabinet… which brings me today’s tip: don’t take NyQuil if you have to get some work done. Oh well, I may be drowsy and a bit loopy but at least I am not coughing.
In September, I posted pictures of the winning bike in the Shimano Alfine Design Challenge contest. In response to that post, Rigtenzin asked if I had photos of the other entries. I wasn’t at the show, but I do have photos of the 2nd and 3rd place winners from Shimano’s press release. On top is the 2nd place Rock Lobster Alfie and below is the 3rd place winner from A.N.T. Both of these bikes have a classical, even a retro look.
Speaking of classic bike designs, I saw on Cool Hunting that Canadian company Jorg & Olif will be marketing traditional Dutch city bikes in North America. Read more here.
O.K., Time for a quick nap. Will someone wake me up in half an hour?
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