Tag: CAD

  • Velomobiles from Piximatic and GeoSpace

    Velomobiles from Piximatic and GeoSpace

    It has been several years since I mentioned Christophe Sarrazin’s velomobile designs.  Since that 2009 post though, his website has evolved quite a bit. The site is more than just a source for news about velomobile design. To encourage others to get involved with velomobile construction projects, Christophe offers free downloads of many of his…

  • Development of the new Orbea Ordu time trial bike

    Development of the new Orbea Ordu time trial bike

    Ronan Bariou is a product designer for Orbea, and his Behance portfolio page provides a glimpse into the design work that goes into bikes from the company.  The latest project that he has uploaded is the new 2013 Orbea Ordu time trial bike, and he shares some of the sketches and CAD models from the…